Golden Age Bodybuilding (60s, 70s and 80s) showcased true muscle machines with bodies as gigantic as they were splendorous.

Our World Stars Retro Muscle King Division brings them back to life to enjoy in this era.


Great size makes this Division a show of incomparable titans.


Clearly visible cuts, spacing and depth.


Proportions and symmetry are protagonists. Pleasing to the eye.



Participants present themselves in standard men's swimsuit type suits with at least ½ back coverage. They must meet acceptable standards of good taste and decency. They must not be floss thongs.

The suit must be one color. Must not have fringe, straps, words, appliques or fluorescence that distract from the evaluation.

It is recommended that the color chosen for your participation costume should highlight physical qualities and the design should facilitate the participant's performance on stage.

Participants must be barefoot.

Although we do not impose regulatory restrictions in this regard, we do urge each participant to choose their attire correctly in order to make their passage through the show as noteworthy as possible and not put them at risk.

Participant numbers must be worn on the left side of the costume and must be visible at all times while on stage and backstage.


GOLDEN MUSCLE KING will take place in the following rounds:

1. PRELIMINARIES or elimination round.

2. QUALIFYING or semifinal round.

3. SHOWTIME or finals.


The participants go on stage and make their first presentation individually. It is developed as follows:

The participant walks to the center of the stage, stops and does a front pose, then turns half a turn and does a back pose. then turns to the front again, says goodbye and exits the stage or to the side, as the officer directs.

The average time to perform this Presentation is 15 seconds.


Participants are called individually to the stage and perform their presentation in the following manner:

The participant walks to the center of the stage, stops and strikes a frontal pose, says goodbye and moves to the side of the stage, as the official directs.

The style, movement and character of each participant during his presentation is totally free, giving the opportunity to decorate it with the elements that most favor him and make him stand out even more on stage with elegance, decency, aesthetics and distinction.

The average time to develop the presentation in this round is 10 seconds.


It consists of two parts:

1. each participant walks to the center of the stage to develop his/her individual routine. The music used will be previously chosen by the participant. Its duration will be 60 seconds and will be removed from the stage.

2. The participants are called in numerical order to the front of the stage. There they will be at the disposal of the Qualifying Jury.

The style, movement and character of each participant during his presentation is totally free, giving the opportunity to decorate it with the elements that most favor him and make him stand out even more on stage with elegance, decency, aesthetics and distinction.



During the different processes of Evaluation and from the table of the Qualifying Jury, the following poses will be requested for all the Categories of this Division:

Front Biceps Double.
Front Dorsal Expansion.
Side Chest.
Back Biceps Double.
Back Dorsal Expansion.
Lateral triceps.
Abdominals and thighs.
Golden Muscle King Pose.


After the Presentation, the participants will be placed in diagonal lines at the sides of the stage and will be called to the main line by groups to be evaluated by the Qualifying Jury. There, the 15 participants will be chosen to move on to the Qualifying Round.


Located on the side lines, on the sides of the stage, the participants are called by groups to be compared and, from there, they will choose the 6 finalists who will go to Showtime to fight for first place.


After the presentation of this round, the participants are called to the main line. There, the comparative rounds will take place and the qualifying jury, with the support of our unique audience voting system, will assign the final positions to the participants.

To learn more about our audience voting system, please refer to the section.


The evaluation should take into account the entire physique, hair style and facial expression; overall body development and shape; presentation of a complete physique, with large but aesthetic size, balanced, proportionally and symmetrically developed; skin condition and tone; and the participant's ability to present him/herself with confidence, charisma and poise, along with the way he/she projects him/herself on stage.

The Qualifying Jury should favor participants with a physique of large muscular size; proportionate and aesthetic; good posture; correct anatomical structure.

The body parts should show great muscular development, nice appearance, firm, with a healthy and low percentage of body fat. The physique should exhibit a large muscular volume, proportionate, aesthetic, with deep muscle separation and visible muscle striae (the latter will depend on the physiological condition of each participant, so a unified parameter is not dictated for all cases).

The Evaluator should also take into account the tightness and tone of the skin. The skin should look healthy in appearance, with no cellulite or obvious pathological conditions.

The hairstyle and trimming of the beard or mustache should complement the Complete Look presented by the entrant.

The Judging Panel's evaluation of the entrant's physique must include the entire presentation, from the moment he/she walks on stage to the moment he/she exits the stage.

At all times, the contestant should be viewed with the emphasis of a large, "fit and healthy" physique, with an attractive and impressive Complete Model Look, presented in a manly, elegant and charismatic manner.

Each participant will be evaluated based on how well they showcase their physique in motion.

Participants will be evaluated based on the elegance of their performance during the different stages of the event.

Rhythm, elegance of movement, gestures, showmanship, personality, charisma, stage presence and charm, as well as a natural rhythm should play a major role in the final placement of each participant.


Up to and including

143.25 lbs (65kg)

over 143 1⁄4 lbs (65 kg) up to and including 154 1⁄4 lbs (70 kg) 

over 154 1⁄4 lbs (70 kg) up to and including 176 1⁄4 lbs (80 kg)

over 176 1⁄4 lbs (80 kg) up to and including 198 1⁄4 lbs (90 kg) 

over 198 1⁄4 lbs (90 kg) up to and including 225 1⁄4 lbs (102 kg)

Over 225 1⁄4 lbs / 102 kg

Over 45 years. One class



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