The proportions and aesthetics of these women highlight their beauty.

Voluminous lower body, natural structures such as prominent hips, thick bones, robust knee joints and ankles in comparison to their upper body, make them look both powerful and feminine.


Robust, muscular undercarriage with prominent bone structure.


Small waist and athletic torso, with slenderness and harmony.


The delicacy of this division highlights the beauty of the woman's own qualities.



The contestants are presented in a two-piece bikini suit and shoes.

The bottom of the bikini should be V-shaped, cover the front part of the bikini decently and the back part should cover a third part of the bikini.

The bikini can have modest decorations, which highlight the structure, beauty and femininity of the participant, without hindering the observation of the physique by covering excessively areas such as the clavicular, shoulders, neck, arms or thighs.

The design and colors chosen for the costume should highlight the physical qualities and facilitate the participant's performance on stage.

Footwear should be sneakers with high heels.

The dimensions of the heels and soles should be chosen strategically by the participant, in order to favor her presentation as much as possible. We place special emphasis on this point, because, although we do not impose regulatory restrictions in this regard, we do urge each participant to choose her attire correctly so that her passage through the show is as remarkable as possible and does not put her at a disadvantage in relation to more careful participants.

Participant numbers must be worn on the left side of the bottom of the costume and must be visible at all times while on stage and backstage.


FTNESS GODDESS will take place in the following rounds:

1. PRELIMINARIES or elimination round.

2. QUALIFYING or semifinal round.

3. SHOWTIME or finals.


Las participantes suben al escenario y realizan su Model Walk de Presentación de individualmente. It is performed as follows:

The participant walks to the center of the stage, stops and does a front pose, then makes a half turn and does a back pose. she then turns to the front again, says goodbye and walks off stage or to the side, as the official directs.

The average time to perform the Presentation Model Walk is 15 seconds.


Participants are called individually to the stage and perform their Model Walk as follows: The participant walks to the center of the stage, stops and strikes a frontal pose, says goodbye and moves to the side of the stage, as the official directs her to do so.

The style, movement and character of each participant during her Model Walk is totally free, giving her the opportunity to decorate her catwalk with the elements that most favor her and make her stand out even more on stage with elegance, decency, beauty and distinction.

The average time to develop the Model Walk in this round is 10 seconds.


Las participantes suben al escenario y realizan su Model Walk de manera individual. This is developed as follows:

1. The participant walks to the center of the stage, stops and does a front pose, then makes a half turn and does a back pose.

2. With her back turned, she walks to the back of the stage, poses and makes a half turn into a front pose.

3. Walks to the center of the main line, takes off and passes to the side of the stage.

The style, movement and character of each participant during their Model Walk is totally free, giving them the opportunity to decorate their catwalk with the elements that most favor them and make them stand out even more on stage with elegance, decency, beauty and distinction.

The average time to develop the Model Walk in this round is 45 seconds.



During the different processes of Evaluation and from the table of the Qualifying Jury, the following poses will be requested for all the Categories of this Division:

Left profile
From the back.
Right Profile.
Fitness Goddess Pose.


After the Presentation Model Walk, the participants will be placed in diagonal lines at the sides of the stage and will be called to the main line by groups to be evaluated by the Qualifying Jury. There, the 15 participants will be chosen to move on to the Qualifying Round.


Placed on the side lines, on the sides of the stage, the contestants are called by groups to be compared and, from there, to choose the 6 finalists who will go on to Showtime to fight for the first place.


After the Model Walk of this round, the participants are called to the main line. There, the comparisons will take place and the qualifying jury, with the support of our exclusive audience voting system, will assign the final positions for the participants.

To learn more about our audience voting system, please refer to the section.


The evaluation should take into account the entire physique, hair and facial beauty; overall body development and shape; presentation of a complete, aesthetic, balanced, proportionally and symmetrically developed physique; skin condition and tone; and the contestant's ability to present herself with confidence, charisma, poise and grace, along with the manner in which she projects herself on stage.

The Judging Panel should favor contestants with a harmonious female physique; proportional and aesthetic; good posture; correct anatomical structure (including correct body frame, correct spinal curves, limbs and trunk in good proportion, small waist, wide hips and sturdy, athletic and firm legs).

Body parts should have a nice, firm appearance with a healthy percentage of body fat.

The upper body should maintain leanness with defined muscles and a small waist. Muscle separation should not be too deep or show evidence of sharp muscle striations. The lower body should be prominent, muscular and with prominent volume, highlighting the woman's own qualities in the buttocks, legs and calves.

The Evaluator should also take into account the tightness and tone of the skin. It should be smooth and healthy in appearance, without cellulite.

Hairstyle and make-up should complement the Complete Look presented by the participant.

The Judging Panel's evaluation of the contestant's physique must include the entire presentation, from the moment she walks on stage to the moment she exits the stage.

At all times, the contestant should be seen with the emphasis of a "fit and healthy" physique, with an attractive and impressive Complete Model Look, presented in an attractive, elegant and charismatic manner.

Each participant will be evaluated based on how well they display their physique in motion.

Participants will be evaluated based on the elegance of their performance during the different stages of the event.

Rhythm, elegance of movement, gestures, showmanship, personality, charisma, stage presence and charm, as well as a natural rhythm should play a major role in the final placement of each participant.


Up to and including 5’ 2” (157 cm)

Over 5’ 2” and up to and including 5’ 4” (163 cm)

Over 5’ 4” and up to and including 5’ 6” (168 cm)

Over 5’ 6” (168 cm)

Over 35 years. One class



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